Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Sometimes, as a Mom, we do things that no one notices.

I mean, my husband has never come home and said, “My, honey, you are so wonderful for unloading the stroller a million times this week!” He will never think to say, “Babe, you deserve a metal… look at all the milk you pumped in that bottle today!” (Especially in the first few weeks as a Mom, you feel like you should get a large trophy for pumping and nursing - - man, that hurt at first!)

It’s not that I want recognition. I just want to encourage all of you - - as an unseen hero for your family. Fellow Mama’s, you are doing a great job! That old story about the Cathedral builder (or sky scraper, depending on how you’ve heard the story told) is true of all of you.

The gist is that we all know of a beautiful Cathedral, but we never know the builder’s name. I was a theatre major in college… musical theatre to be exact. (Yea, What’s that Liberal Arts stuff good for, you may ask? Well, I did perform for a while and then I taught last year. And it sure it fun!) But anyway, I relate this “builder” example to my experiences directing shows. As a director, you are also creating a work of art that many people will see and enjoy. You yourself are behind the scenes, or in some cases you are actually in the front row on opening night. You aren’t up there. You don’t get credit. You usually don’t want credit you just want the actors to do well and the audience to be well entertained. The Cathedral builder labors his lifetime to bring joy to hundreds or thousands who will enter the giant doors… and often the builder will not out live his masterpiece.

You may feel stressed this Christmas season… you may feel small and unseen…

Take joy in the season. Take joy in that which you are crafting each day you invest in taking care of your kids. We are giving a good part of our lifetime to the amazing masterpiece we call our children. We are crafting them, guiding them, playing and providing for them… yes, even the feedings and dirty diapers are part of this process. We know that the end result is well worth the work.

There will be up’s and down’s, but we will be overwhelmed by the joy of a job well done as we watch our children grow into the person God has created them to be.

P.S. - My little baby love is 4months old!! I can't believe it.

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