Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May Sweeps & TV Reviews

May Sweeps & TV Reviews

Sunday Night: LOST = D -
This grade comes from a non-fan who thinks the end lacked creativity and went in the politically correct (all be it unreal and untrue) direction... very odd, unfulfilled, and almost cheesy.  I do recommend Jimmy Falon's take-off of LOST called, LATE so look that up on line and you'll be more fulfilled by this time travel ending and you'll LAUGH!!

Monday Night: 24 = A -
This grade comes from a fan who thinks that the end was well thought out and fulfilling!  Now Jack can eat, use the bathroom, and get some sleep! 
SIDEBAR: Was kind of wanting the "girl ending" where the old girlfriend from a few seasons ago (who went a little crazy in China) would come back and find him at his daughter's house and she 'd be well and want to grow old together... but hey, they writers knew better.

Monday Night: CHUCK = A+
This grade comes from a fan who thinks the season finally was AWESOME and opened a can-o-worms for next season.  If you are a child of the 80's and you have not been watching CHUCK, do it!  I will hold my breath until next season.  The season finally was very fulfilling and full of action-comedy.

Tuesday Nigh: BIGGEST LOSER = B+
This grade comes from a fan who enjoys seeing people TRANSFORM their lives.  However, it only gets a B+ because I think it is not "fair" on who wins (ie - those who come in with MORE to loose, loose the most).

Wednesday Night: AMERICAN IDOL = TBD
Looking fwd to the finally on Wednesday night.  Will it be Lee or Crystal??  Simon's last season!  I think Lee and Crystal are both talented and have already "won" no matter what happens.  I am cheering for them both but I've been leaning more toward the Lee camp for about 5 weeks now.  I was personally yelling at the TV that Casey stayed on the show as long as he did.  He's is great on guitar, but it's not about that... it's about singing.  These comments come from a fan with a BFA degree in Musical Theatre.

Other Shows
I heard that the guy won this season of celebrity apprentice but I did not catch the finally so I cannot accurately give that one a grade.  I know he's been in and out of the hospital so I am glad he's Ok.  I am sorry for Holly though, she worked very hard and raised the most money - ever - in the history of that show.  But it is what it is and it's all for charity.

I have not been keeping up with Dancing with the Stars this season.  Can't give a true review or grade on this season.

My family also enjoys Under Cover Boss and Extreme Home Make Over
And I am looking fwd to Coco's return to TBS in November!!

That's all for tonight....... get on line and buy/rent CHUCK seasons 1-3... Seriously!


He & Me + 3 said...

I might be trying Chuck...I'll let you know. I didn't watch AI, but my girls do and I see bits and pieces. I always watch the first top 12 show and pick my person. Last year it was Kris Allen and this year I picked Lee. I hope he won.
24 was great...I was kindof hoping him and Kim would get back together too. She is the only one still alive that he has loved. Maybe in the movie.

AtlantaMama said...

YAY Lee!!!!!!