Monday, May 5, 2008


OK, so I'm a romantic comedy kinda gal. I would never have opted to see a MARVEL COMIC book based film on my own choice. My husband and his family wanted to go see the movie IRON MAN last week, so I went. I did not expect much, in fact, I really didn't think I'd care about it. To my surprise it was a great film. (Disclaimer: I would not recommend it for children because there are a few sexual scenes toward the beginning of the movie.)

There is a powerful scene where IRON MAN flies into a terrorist situation. He is sorta untouchable. It's the Hero moment. He puts out one hand, in the direction of the bad guys and takes care of them. Then he looks the other way and put out his other hand and takes care of some other bad guys over there. He protects all of the hostages and takes down all of the evil doers in a powerful way.

I'm sitting in a dark movie theater, late at night, holding my sleeping baby, and God spoke to me thru this silly movie. It was like an "Ah-Ha" moment. If you are a believer in Jesus, and you are filled with God's Holy Spirit, you have been given power. We have the power to step into a situation of fear, sickness, evil, etc... and put out our hand and say NO to those things. We have been given the task and calling to bring peace and hope. So often, it's easier for me to believe in or buy into the power of a movie hero and yet doubt the power and authority of God. Why is that? It's even more REAL!

When he says there is NOTHING too big that He can't handle... He means it. When He says that if we ask anything in the Name of Jesus and believe that it will be done... He means it. When He says that his suffering, death, and resurrection are for our salvation and healing... He means it. When He says that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever... He means it.

He's saying to me, in this movie, "My Power Is Real". If we think IRON MAN is cool because he saves the day... There is One who is far surpassing. Jesus' power is real. I'm inspired by this movie and by what the Lord spoke to my heart in that theater. I'm not looking to be a hero. But I do want to bring hope, peace, healing, freedom, and the power of God into hopeless situations.

For those of you who are like, "Whoa... she just went so deep" I want you to know that I washed and dried the spare set of car keys today. So it's all good.

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