Monday, March 3, 2008

Some Days are Better Than Others

Some days in our life are just "normal" days. And then, once in a while, there are defining days.

This past weekend was just such a time for my husband and me. It was life-changing... in a good way! (In a really great way!!)

We attended a conference about what God is doing all over the world. There were speakers from many countries and many different languages represented... One night we heard someone pray in Korean, Spanish, French, Malaysian, Chinese, English, Russian, Japanese, Hebrew chant, Hindi, and Italian. It was amazing and beautiful!

I stand in awe of what is happening all over the earth, as the Lord is continually expanding His kingdom. He is drawing people in by the hundreds of thousands because of his love, his mercy, his goodness, his power, his salvation, and his healing hand. Miracles are happening daily!

Sometimes, as a new Mama, it's hard for me to look past my own living room... and certainly harder to look past my own town, state, and nation to see the bigger picture. So, it was very eye-opening to see a more global perspective. This is an exciting time. My husband and I are grateful to have experienced God's presence with people from all over the globe. Is this what heaven will be like? Amazing!

1 comment:

Writeaway said...

Hearing people pray in different languages was amazing. I'm with you - sometimes we forget how active God is around the world and just think about what's happening in our little space. But He's on the move in big ways and I felt so blessed to be part of the Mission Conference last week. It opened my eyes to some deep truths and I never want to go back to the old me.